reMarkable (2): How To Generate Grid Templates

I’ve found this glorious website:

It even generates the json entry for templates.json. But it makes one little mistake which you have to correct, otherwise things will fail:

  "name": "Grid 72 54",
  "filename": "Grid 72 54",
  "iconCode": \ue99e,
  "categories": [

The line with the “iconCode” must read

"iconCode": "\ue99e",

So, don’t forget the “…”!

The settings in this example generate a quadratic grid of a tiny bit less than 3 mm in square (³/₆₄ inch or 0.0393700787 inch).

There’s no need for an extra svg file if you use this tool: You define your grid, download the png file, enter the json block in the templates.json file and upload these two to /usr/share/remarkable/templates on your reMarkable. That’s it!

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